“REBASING – Research Based Competence Brokering” ha come obiettivo quello di formalizzare la figura del broker dell’innovazione per far dialogare il mondo della ricerca (Università e centri di ricerca) con quello imprenditoriale, facendo emergere i bisogni di innovazione “inespressi”.
The REBASING project intends to develop a comprehensive work program to improve the cooperation between universities (and research centres) and enterprises, thus empowering the capacity of companies to exploit innovation and introduce it in their working routines.
This project aims at increasing cooperation among universities, research institutes and companies, with twofold results: modernising universities by developing relations with the production sector on the one hand, and strengthening the companies’ ability to use innovation and implement it in their usual work practices on the other hand. These results will be achieved by transferring a practical approach implemented in Norway within the “Regional Programme for Innovation Research and Development” and focused on the “Research Based Competence Broker”, a professional expert being able to analyse the needs of companies in terms of technological and organizational innovation, and to connect them to universities and research centres being able to provide innovative solutions. To implement this project, a partnership has been developed and is made up of four universities based in Norway, Estonia, Northern Italy and Southern Italy, and of service companies from Entrepreneurs’ Associations, all having experience in previous European projects. Expected outputs: the analysis of success factors in the Norwegian experience; the transfer of this experience to the partner countries by previous adaptation to the specific contexts; setting up the professional profile of the Broker according to the local context, but also in compliance with ECVET and EQF schemes (knowledge, ability, skills), in order for this model to be clear, transferred and used across the whole EU.